Our property is perhaps one of the most valuable assets we own. For the most part, the value increases over time but there are things we can do to boost that increase such as home improvements and creating more floor space. 

When we think of this extension of floor space, we typically think about increases that are directly attached to the main building. But if you build a log cabin within the grounds of your property, this could also add value. 

Log cabins are considered garden buildings which are known to increase the value of your property. On average, adding a log cabin to your garden or other outdoor space could boost the value of your home from anywhere between 5% and 15%.

Of course, how much value the cabin adds will depend on a number of factors. In this guide, we’ll be looking at what you can expect in terms of property value when installing a log cabin. 

First, Let’s Look At What A Log Cabin Costs

It’s all well and good getting excited about the potential value that a log cabin could add to your property, but first, we need to consider the initial investment. 

It’s vital to compare the potential increase in value with what you’re going to spend on the log cabin to see if it is worth pursuing. 

Generally speaking, a log cabin could cost as little as £5000. However, it really depends on the size, quality and many other factors and some log cabins could cost in excess of £15,000. Whether or not you have power in the cabin will also vary the cost significantly. For example, while a large log cabin with power might cost around £15,000, removing the power could almost cut this price in half. 

As a rule of thumb, you should consider that a log cabin will cost around £1000 - £1500 per square metre.

Does A Log Cabin Add Value to Your House?

Adding a log cabin to your garden will increase the value of your property. How much this is depends on several factors which we will explore in more detail later on. 

That said, it is widely accepted that the addition of a log cabin could boost the value of your home from 5% anywhere up to 15%. Let’s imagine that your house is currently worth £300,000. At the lowest end of this, a log cabin would add £15,000 to its value. At the higher end of that scale, you could be looking at an additional value of £45,000 so it’s certainly a wise investment when it’s done correctly. 

How Does A Log Cabin Add Value To Your Property?

Log cabins can be used for a variety of purposes such as a summer house, garden office, gym or even just somewhere for the kids to play without getting under your feet! But whatever reason you decide to build a log cabin, its features will impact how it adds value to your home. If you want to add the highest possible value then you’ll need to make sure you go bigger and better!

Quality Of The Log Cabin

If you are looking to sell your home for the best price then you’re going to make sure that it is well maintained and ready for the new owners to move into. The same needs to be said for your log cabin; if you want it to add the most value then you need to make sure it’s in good nick. 

Nobody is going to want to pay over the odds for a log cabin that serves as more of an eyesore than it does a functional garden building. Moreover, the potential of having to either tear it down or do lengthy renovations is enough to put anybody off.

But if you have a well kept, beautiful log cabin in the back garden, this is going to be a massive appeal and people will be willing to pay for this. If you want to achieve the best value for your log cabin, you’ll need to ensure that it’s sturdy, insulated, resistant to the elements and the very best quality. Even if you’re not looking to sell your home just yet, you’ll want the best for yourself so it’s a win win. 

Is The Cabin Powered?

One of the things that can make a real difference between getting that 15% additional value compared to the lower 5% is whether or not the cabin is powered. 

Having a garden building that can be used in largely the same way as the main property is incredibly advantageous. Otherwise, you’ve really got nothing more than a glorified garden shed. Installing electrical circuits means that there are so many more options in how you use the log cabin and this will appeal to the potential buyer. 

What’s more, with power, there is the option to heat the cabin in the winter so it can be used as a year round structure as opposed to just a summer house. 

But in these modern times, we also have to consider whether the log cabin is connected to the internet. Without a good WiFi connection people aren’t going to want to spend as much time in there.  Not spending a decent amount of time in the cabin means it’s not being used to its full potential and this could put some buyers off. After all, who wants a useless building at the bottom of the garden?

But with a stable WiFi connection, a lot of people would be willing to pay a higher price for the convenience. 

Selling Your Home To Small Business Owners

More and more people have installed garden offices since the Coronavirus pandemic because a staggering number of us are still working from home. Log cabins make an ideal space for this so when it comes to selling your house, this could be a real plus.

A lot of small business owners need a dedicated work space and there’s nothing better than a log cabin, within the property grounds. It enables people to remain at home without mixing their business and personal lives and folks will pay good money for this.

Couple this advantage with the WiFi connection we talked about and you’ve got a ready made business premises that’ll appeal to entrepreneurs everywhere.  


As we mentioned earlier, log cabins generally cost around £1000 - £1500 per square metre. The size of the cabin will also impact how much value it adds to your property. If it’s much larger, then there is scope to do a lot more with it. 

Of course, you need to be careful that the cabin doesn’t overtake the available space in the garden as this could decrease the property value by removing precious outdoor space. There are limitations on how much ground a garden building can take up according to planning permission laws. 

Don’t Forget About Planning Permission

If you are going to install a garden building, such as a log cabin, then you normally won’t need to obtain planning permission if the roof is less than 2.5 metres. The cabin must also be no closer than 2 metres to the boundary of the property and cannot take up more than 50% of the available space.

If it falls outside of these criteria then you may need to apply for planning permission. This can feel like a real pain in the backside as it’s just another task to complete but we’d urge you to go through the process. If you don’t, and someone complains about the cabin, you could be ordered to take it down and that’s going to be a waste of a potentially amazing investment.

Even if you feel confident that your log cabin isn’t going to require planning permission, it’s still useful to speak to your local authority. They will be able to confirm that you can go ahead with the build without permission and put your mind at rest. If you do need to apply for planning permission then they will also be able to talk you through the process and answer any of your questions. 

The cost of applying for planning permission is minimal so it will not affect how much profit you make from your investment. 


Many of us dream of having extra space but building a fully fledged extension can be incredibly expensive. Adding something like a log cabin to your garden doesn’t cost the earth and could see a handsome increase in the value of your property. 

There are factors that will affect how much value is added such as the size and quality of the log cabin as well as whether it is powered. 

Before you start building, we would advise you to seek advice on whether you need to apply for planning permission.