
About Us

Here At LogCabinHolidaysDirectory.co.uk we are completely devoted to making every trip special.

We offer choice of different log cabins and advice on a wide variety of topics. Each of our posts offers a list of helpful tips to help you find the perfect log cabin with a hot tub, or best log cabin for fishing, for example

Our writers scour the internet every day to find information and articles that are relevant to your holiday needs. We want you to have a great holiday experience. That's why we have the best selection of log cabins, attractions, restaurants and things to do so that your holiday is memorable.

You don't need to stress about researching further, because we've already done it for you.

Our Mission

A small cabin away from it all is the perfect place to find peace and quiet. It's where you can get back in touch with nature and forget about everyday life. Log cabins are a great way to escape the chaos of city life. If you're looking for a break or need some time out, then log cabins are what you need!

LogCabinHolidaysDirectory.co.uk has been documenting people's best experiences with log cabins in one form or another since 2009 by publishing content on their website that includes articles written by experts, reviews from customers who have visited themselves, videos of various locations around the UK, photos taken during trips and much more.

Since taking over the site in 2021, our aim is not only to provide information but also help readers find their own best experience in a small cabin

Michael O'Hara

Senior Editor

Michael O'Hara is a man of many talents. His degree in Food Science and decades of experience in the kitchen have given him an immense knowledge about cooking that he shares with others. He loves nothing more than whipping together gourmet meals using what you have on hand - no matter how meager! When not cooking on his favorite LotusGrill, you'll find him dreaming of country living and owning a small log cabin in the woods.

Born and raised New Yorker, Michael has taken up residence on the outskirts of London with his wife, 2 kids, and 1 labrador.

His problems with finding a suitable log cabin for his family and dog, inspired him to relaunch this website in 2021

Meet the team.

Erica Hinds  

Stay at home mum and blogger

Erica Hinds is a stay at home mom and blogger. She's the type of person who likes to know what she's doing and where she's going, which means you'll often find her using a spreadsheet to plan her holidays a year in advance. Erica also enjoys searching for bargain deals on websites or charity shops.

She has three kids, who keep her busy when they're not at school or playing with their friends. When Erica isn't taking care of them, you can usually find her cooking up something delicious from scratch from one of her favourite TV Chefs (Nigella or Jamie!)

Tony Granville

Technician and Adventurer

Tony Granville is a man of many talents. Tony has been all around the world, from the centre of Australia to the edge of the North Pole, and everywhere in between. Tony enjoys adventure with his girlfriend Amii, if there is somewhere he hasn't been then it's usually high up on his list to go!

Tony also loves football - he's been to every football league ground in the country at least once. In his spare time he plays guitar and sings badly!